

The best methods to handle termite issues are a combination of preventative methods and regular inspections.

There is a wide range of possible termite treatments and preventative methods, so we advise that you get a proper termite inspection to receive an accurate estimate for treatment cost.


To prepare for the termite inspection, please remove items from the baseboards so that we may visually inspect for any signs of termites.

We provide a visual inspection inside and outside your home. We will inspect in and around your living space and also the crawl space and/or basement. The inspection costs between $125-$250.

We will provide an estimate for termite treatment at the time of inspection.

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There is a wide range of possible termite treatments and preventative methods.

If we determine treatment is needed, we will dig a trench around the outside of the structure’s foundation, around the inside of the foundation, and around foundational pillars in order to effectively saturate surrounding soil with termiticide. The treatment time process varies per structure and normally lasts approximately 1 day.

We may need to drill holes through existing concrete of a patio, garage floor, or porch in order to reach the ground beneath & inject termiticide. These drilled holes will then be patched to blend in with the surrounding surface.

We may use termite bait stations to attract termites, monitor termite activity, and then kill the termites (if an inspection shows activity). Bait stations are inserted into the ground 2-3 feet from the foundation and at intervals of 7-20 feet around the perimeter of a structure.

We use Premise and Termidor to treat termite infestations. Premise and Termidor can possibly be harmful if they come into contact with skin, are ingested, or are inhaled.


The best way to prevent termite issues is to have annual inspections and ongoing preventative measures that are recommended for your property at the time of inspection. Create a plan with an MDE Pest Services professional to prevent and manage future termite issues.

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